Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Story

At first I had the idea to do a short, unofficial, rip-off of Predator. Like the Italians did with Alien. It would be easy, I could shoot it in the bush, wouldn't have to use sets, get some tough looking actors, would need a lot of guns and explosions...
So that was going nowhere, then, driving past Hanging Rock I got the idea for a "sequel" to Peter Wiers, Picnic at Hanging Rock whith the original school girls coming back as Demon Possesed Zombies and attacking modern school girls. It may have been a house I stayed at in Sydney that had a DVD collection of the old Aussie TV show Prisoner, all set in a womens prison, that made me change them to a work gang of prisoners. It just gave a better premise anyway for conflict.
It was on a drive between Sydney and Melbourne that I wrote the script. I'd think for a few hours, stop and write stuff down, think for a few more, write another scene. By the end of the trip I had a Script (in biro).

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